Northern Neighborhood, Herzliya

The firm won third prize in a competition run the Herzliya Municipality for planning a new district of about 18,000 households in the north of the city.
The proposed plan includes a redesign of the urban structure as a perimeter structure with a green space in the center and its integration in high rise construction in a way that does not affect the urban scale.
A park is proposed in the center of the neighborhood that serves as the green lung and as a scenic hub.
The neighborhood is bisected diagonally by a pedestrian path that connects the IDC Herzliya with the city of Ra'anana.
Most of the urban message focuses on opening up the public space and creating a city without fences, without garden apartments and without private yards.
The plan preserves the axis of the airport runway to be transposed, at the end of which a building resembling a control tower is planned.

Status: Competition
Location: Herzliya
Type: Urban Planning and Master Plan, Competition
Client: Herzliya Municipality
Architects: Maya Sherf, Enrique Levinger, Yoni Livtag, Midan Hefer, Chen Shoham, Tali Darel and Benny Perry
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